Christian Berger, Sadok Ben Toumia, and Hans P. Reiser. Exploring Scalability of BFT Blockchain Protocols through Network Simulations. Form. Asp. Comput., 2024.
Christofer Fellicious, Stewart Sentanoe, Hans P. Reiser, and Michael Granitzer. PointerKex: A Pointer-based SSH Key Extraction method. In: Proc. of the 10th Annual Conference on machine Learning, Optimization and Data science (LOD) 2024.
Thomas Dangl, Stewart Sentanoe, and Hans P. Reiser. Active and passive virtual machine introspection on AMD and ARM processors. Journal of Systems Architecture, 149 :103101, 2024.
Christian Berger, Lívio Rodrigues, Hans P. Reiser, Vinicius Cogo, and Alysson Bessani. Chasing Lightspeed Consensus: Fast Wide-Area Byzantine Replication with Mercury. In: Proceedings of the 25th ACM/IFIP Int. Middleware Conference (Middleware 2024) 2024.
Christian Berger, Signe Schwarz-Rüsch, Arne Vogel, Kai Bleeke, Leander Jehl, Hans P. Reiser, and Rüdiger Kapitza. SoK: Scalability Techniques for BFT Consensus. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC’2023), IEEE, 2023.
Johannes Köstler, Hans P. Reiser, Franz J. Hauck, and Gerhard Habiger. Fluidity: Location-Awareness in Replicated State Machines. In: Proc. of the 36th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC ’23) 2023.
Simon Volpert, Philipp Eichhammer, Florian Held, Thomas Huffert, Hans P. Reiser, and Jörg Domaschka. The view on systems monitoring and its requirements from future Cloud-to-Thing
applications and infrastructures. Future Gener. Comput. Syst., 141 :243–257, 2023.
Thomas Dangl, Stewart Sentanoe, and Hans P. Reiser. Retrofitting AMD x86 processors with active virtual machine introspection capabilities. In: Proc. of the 36th GI/ITG International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS), pp. 168–182 2023.
Philipp Eichhammer and Hans P. Reiser. A Self-Forming Community Approach for Intrusion Detection in Heterogeneous Networks. In: Proc. of the 28th Nordic Conference on Secure IT Systems (NordSec) – accepted for publication 2023.
Christian Berger, Sadok Ben Toumia, and Hans P. Reiser. Scalable Performance Evaluation of Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Systems Using Network Simulation. In: Proc. of the 28th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC 2023), pp. 180–190 2023.
Philipp Eichhammer and Hans P. Reiser. Utilizing Similarity for Improved Intrusion Detection: Autonomous Community Formation for Practical Heterogeneity Management. In: Proc. of the 28th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC 2023), fast abstract, pp. 247–249 2023.
Thomas Dangl, Stewart Sentanoe, and Hans P. Reiser. VMIFresh: Efficient and Fresh Caches for Virtual Machine Introspection. Computers & Security, 135 2023.
Christian Berger, Hans P. Reiser, João Sousa, and Alysson Bessani. AWARE: Adaptive Wide-Area Replication for Fast and Resilient Byzantine Consensus. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 19(3) :1605–1620, 2022.
Christian Berger, Philipp Eichhammer, Hans P. Reiser, Jörg Domaschka, Franz J. Hauck, and Gerhard Habiger. A Survey on Resilience in the IoT: Taxonomy, Classification and Discussion of Resilience Mechanism. ACM Computing Surveys, 54(7) :147:1–147:39, 2022.
Sadok Ben Toumia, Christian Berger, and Hans P. Reiser. An Evaluation of Blockchain Application Requirements and Their Satisfaction in Hyperledger Fabric. In: Proc. of the 22nd Int. Conf. on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems (DAIS), pp. 3–20 2022.
Christian Berger, Hans P. Reiser, Franz J. Hauck, Florian Held, and Jörg Domascka. Automatic Integration of BFT State-Machine Replication into IoT Systems. In: Proc. of the 18th European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC’22) 2022.
EDCC Distinguished Paper Award
Thomas Dangl, Stewart Sentanoe, and Hans P. Reiser. VMIFresh: Efficient and Fresh Caches for Virtual Machine Introspection. In: Proc. of the International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES’2022) 2022.
(best paper candidate)
Stewart Sentanoe, Thomas Dangl, and Hans P. Reiser. KVMIveggur: Flexible, secure, and efficient support for self-service virtual machine introspection. Digital Investigation, 42 2022.
Article 301397
Stewart Sentanoe and Hans P. Reiser. SSHkex: Leveraging virtual machine introspection for extracting SSH keys and decrypting SSH network traffic. Digital Investigation, 40 2022.
Article 301337
Christian Berger, Sadok Ben Toumia, and Hans P. Reiser. Does my BFT protocol implementation scale? In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Distributed Infrastructure
for the Common Good, DICG 2022, Quebec, Quebec City, Canada, 7 November
2022, pp. 19–24, ACM, 2022.
Stewart Sentanoe, Christofer Fellicious, Hans P. Reiser, and Michael Granitzer. “The Need for Speed”: Extracting Session Keys From the Main Memory Using Brute-force and Machine Learning. In: Proceedings of 21st IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications 2022.
Stewart Sentanoe, Hans P. Reiser, Christofer Fellicious, Michael Granitzer, Thomas Dangl, Niklas Beierl, Stefan Hausotte, Manuel Bischof, Dorian Eikenberg, Kevin Mayer, Antonio Pavic, and Stefan Dambeck. SmartVMI: Reconstructing meaningful kernel-level and application-level information about a target system using machine learning. In: 27th Nordic Conference on Secure IT Systems, Poster 2022.
Hans P. Reiser and Marcel Kyas eds. Secure IT Systems - 27th Nordic Conference, NordSec 2022, Reykjavic,
Iceland, November 30-December 2, 2022, Proceedings. Springer 2022.
Johannes Köstler, Hans P. Reiser, Gerhard Habiger, and Franz J. Hauck. SmartStream: Towards Byzantine Resilient Data Streaming. In: Proc. of the 36th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC ’21), pp. 213–222 2021.
Johannes Köstler, Sven Gebauer, and Hans P. Reiser. Network Federation for Inter-Cloud Operations. In: Proc. of the 21th IFIP International Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems (DAIS 2021), pp. 21–37 2021.
Florian Menges, Tobias Latzo, Manfred Vielberth, Sabine Sobola, Henrich C. Pöhls, Benjamin Taubmann, Johannes Köstler, Alexander Puchta, Felix Freiling, Hans P. Reiser, and Günther Pernul. Towards GDPR-compliant data processing in modern SIEM systems. Computers & Security, 103 2021.
Ahmed Abdelraoof, Hans P. Reiser, and Benjamin Taubmann. Introspect Virtual Machines Like It Is the Linux Kernel! In: 18th Int. Conf. on Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment (DIMVA’2021) 2021.
Christian Berger, Hans P. Reiser, and Alysson Bessani. Making Reads in BFT State Machine Replication Fast, Linearizable, and Live. In: Proc. of the 40th IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS’21) 2021.
Prof. C.V. Ramamoorthy Best Paper Award
Thomas Dangl, Benjamin Taubmann, and Hans P. Reiser. RapidVMI: Fast and multi-core aware active virtual machine introspection. In: Proc. of the 16th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2021) 2021.
Johannes Köstler, Hans P. Reiser, Gerhard Habiger, and Franz J. Hauck. SmartStream: Towards Efficient Byzantine Resilient Data Streaming through Speculation and Sharding. SIGAPP Appl. Comput. Rev., 21(3) :19–32, 2021.
Benjamin Taubmann, Alexander Böhm, and Hans P. Reiser. TwinPorter – An Architecture For Enabling the Live Migration of VMI-based Monitored Virtual Machines. In: The 18th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom’19) 2019.
Noelle Rakotondravony, Benjamin Taubmann, Stewart Sentanoe, and Hans P. Reiser. Poster: Reconfigurable monitoring and performance awareness in VMI-based SIEM systems. In: 2019 IEEE Security and Privacy Poster, San Francisco, CA, USA, May 20-22 2019.
Christian Berger, Hans P. Reiser, João Sousa, and Alysson Bessani. Resilient Wide-Area Byzantine Consensus Using Adaptive Weighted Replication. In: Proc. of the 38th IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS’19) 2019.
best paper candidate
Jörg Domaschka, Christian Berger, Hans P. Reiser, Philipp Eichhammer, Frank Griesinger, Jakob Pietron, Matthias Tichy, Franz J. Hauck, and Gerhard Habiger. SORRIR: A Resilient Self-organizing Middleware for IoT Applications. In: Proc. of the 6th Int. Workshop on Middleware and Applications for the Internet of Things, pp. 13–16 2019.
Stewart Sentanoe, Benjamin Taubmann, and Hans P. Reiser. VMIGuard: Detecting and Preventing Service Integrity Violations by
Malicious Insiders Using Virtual Machine Introspection. In: Proc. of the 24th Nordic Conference on Secure IT Systems (NordSec), pp. 271–282 2019.
Noëlle Rakotondravony and Hans P. Reiser. Visualizing BFT SMR distributed systems – example of BFT-SMaRt. In: DSN Workshop on Byzantine Consensus and Resilient Blockchains 2018.
Christian Berger and Hans P. Reiser. WebBFT: Byzantine fault tolerance for resilient interactive web applications. In: Proc. of the 18th IFIP International Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems (DAIS 2018), pp. 1–17 2018.
Miguel Guerra, Benjamin Taubmann, Hans P. Reiser, Sileshi Yalew, and Miguel Correia. Introspection for ARM TrustZone with the ITZ Library. In: Proc. of the 18th IEEE Int. Conf. on Software Quality, Reliability, and Security 2018.
Gerhard Habiger, Franz J. Hauck, Johannes Köstler, and Hans P. Reiser. Resource-Efficient State-Machine Replication with Multithreading and Vertical Scaling. In: Proc. of the 14th European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC) 2018.
Benjamin Taubmann, Omar Al Abduljaleel, and Hans P. Reiser. DroidKex: Fast Extraction of Ephemeral TLS Keys from the Memory of Android Apps. Digital Investigation, 26 :S67–S76, 2018.
Stewart Sentanoe, Benjamin Taubmann, and Hans P. Reiser. Sarracenia: Enhancing the Performance and Stealthiness of SSH Honeypots using Virtual Machine Introspection. In: Proc. of the 23rd Nordic Conference on Secure IT Systems 2018.
Christian Berger and Hans P. Reiser. Scaling Byzantine Consensus: A Broad Analysis. In: Proc. of the 2nd Workshop on Scalable and Resilient Infrastructures for Distributed Ledgers (SERIAL 2018), pp. 13–18 2018.
Fabian Böhm, Nöelle Rakotondravony, Günther Pernul, and Hans P. Reiser. Exploring the role of experts’ knowledge in visualizations for cyber security. In: 15th IEEE Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSec), Poster 2018.
Lydia Y. Chen and Hans P. Reiser eds. Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems - 17th IFIP WG
6.1 International Conference, DAIS 2017, Held as Part of the 12th
International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques,
DisCoTec 2017, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, June 19-22, 2017, Proceedings. Springer 2017.
Hans P. Reiser. Towards intrusion-resilient security monitoring in multi-cloud infrastructures. In: Proc. of the Workshop on Security and Dependability of Multi-Domain Infrastructures (XDOM0), EuroSys 2017 2017.
Felix Freiling, Thomas Glanzmann, and Hans P. Reiser. Characterizing Loss of Forensic Information due to Abstraction Layers. Digital Investigation , 20 :S107–S115, 2017.
Noëlle Rakotondravony, Benjamin Taubmann, Waseem Mandarawi, Eva Weishäupl, Peng Xu, Bojan Kolosnjaji, Mykola Protsenko, Hermann de Meer, and Hans P. Reiser. Classifying Malware Attacks in IaaS Cloud Environments. Journal of Cloud Computing, 2017.
Miguel Guerra, Miguel Correia, Benjamin Taubmann, and Hans P. Reiser. ITZ: An Introspection Library for ARM TrustZone. In: Comunicações do Nono Simpósio de Informática (INFORUM 2017), INFORUM, 2017.
Noëlle Rakotondravony and Hans P. Reiser. Towards a Common Evaluation Framework for Cyber Security Visualizations. In: 14th IEEE Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSec), Poster 2017.
Noëlle Rakotondravony, Johannes Köstler, and Hans P. Reiser. Towards a generic architecture for interactive cost-aware visualization of monitoring data in distributed systems. In: Workshop on Security in Highly Connected IT Systems (SHCIS’17) 2017.
Stewart Sentanoe, Benjamin Taubmann, and Hans P. Reiser. Virtual Machine Introspection Based SSH Honeypot. In: Workshop on Security in Highly Connected IT Systems (SHCIS’17) 2017.
Johannes Köstler and Hans P. Reiser. Analysis of static and dynamic configurability of existing group communication systems. In: eprint arXiv:1708.05327 2017.
Marisol García-Valls, Antonio Casimiro, and Hans P. Reiser. A few open problems and solutions for software technologies for dependable distributed systems. Journal of Systems Architecture, 73 :1–5, 2017.
Benjamin Taubmann, Christian Frädrich, Dominik Dusold, and Hans P. Reiser. TLSkex: Harnessing virtual machine introspection for
decrypting TLS communication. In: Proc. of the DFRWS EU 2016 Annual Conference 2016.
Johannes Köstler and Hans P. Reiser. PEDSEWAN: Platform for the Evaluation of Distributed Systems in Emulated Wide-Area Networks. In: Short abstract, Frühjahrstreffen der
GI/ITG Fachgruppe Betriebssysteme 2016.
Benjamin Taubmann, Noëlle Rakotondravony, and Hans P. Reiser. CloudPhylactor: Harnessing Mandatory Access Control for Virtual Machine Introspection in Cloud Environments. In: Short abstract, Frühjahrstreffen der
GI/ITG Fachgruppe Betriebssysteme 2016.
Benjamin Taubmann, Christoph Frädrich, Dominik Dusold, and Hans P. Reiser. TLSkex: Harnessing virtual machine introspection for decrypting TLS communication. Digital Investigation, 16 :S114–S123, 2016.
Benjamin Taubmann and Hans P. Reiser. Secure Architecture for VMI-based Dynamic Malware Analysis in the Cloud. In: Fast Abstract in the 46th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, , Toulouse, France, 2016.
Benjamin Taubmann, Noëlle Rakotondravony, and Hans P. Reiser. CloudPhylactor: Harnessing Mandatory Access Control for Virtual Machine Introspection in Cloud Environments. In: Proc. of the 15th IEEE Int. Conf. on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom) 2016.
Alexander Böhm, Benjamin Taubmann, and Hans P. Reiser. Geographic Localization of an Anonymous Social Network Message Data Set. In: The 1st Int. Workshop on Social collaboration in trusted, user-driven software development 2016.
Johannes Köstler, Jan Seidemann, and Hans P. Reiser. Emusphere: Evaluating Planetary-Scale Distributed Systems in Automated Emulation Environments. In: Proc. of the 4th Workshop on Planetary-Scale Distributed Systems (W-PSDS 2016) 2016.
Manuel Huber, Benjamin Taubmann, Sascha Wessel, Hans P. Reiser, and Georg Sigl. A flexible framework for mobile device forensics based on cold boot attacks. EURASIP Journal on Information Security, 2016.
Julian Zach and Hans P. Reiser. LiveCloudInspector: Towards integrated IaaS forensics in the Cloud. In: Proc. of the 15th IFIP Int. Conf. on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems (DAIS) 2015.
Benjamin Taubmann, Hans P. Reiser, Thomas Kittel, Andreas Fischer, Waseem Mandarawi, and Hermann de Meer. CloudIDEA: Cloud Intrusion Detection, Evidence preservation and Analysis. In: EuroSys poster 2015.
Benjamin Taubmann, Manuel Huber, Lukas Heim, Georg Sigl, and Hans P. Reiser. A Lightweight Framework for Cold Boot Based Forensics on Mobile Devices. In: International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES) 2015.
Andres Fischer, Thomas Kittel, Bojan Kolosnjaji, Tamas K Lengyel, Waseem Mandarawi, Hans P. Reiser, Benjamin Taubmann, Eva Weishäupl, Hermann de Meer, Tilo Müller, and Mykola Protsenko. CloudIDEA: A Malware Defense Architecture for Cloud Data Centers. In: 5th International Symposium on Cloud Computing, Trusted Computing and Secure Virtual Infrastructures - Cloud and Trusted Computing (C&TC 2015) 2015.
Benjamin Taubmann, Dominik Dusold, Christian Frädrich, and Hans P. Reiser. Analysing malware attacks in the cloud: A use case for the TLSInspector toolkit. In: 2nd Workshop on Security in highly connected IT systems (SHCIS’15) 2015.
Hans P. Reiser and Rüdiger Kapitza eds. Proceedings of the 1st EuroSys Workshop on Virtualization Technology
for Dependable Systems, VDTS ’09, Nuremberg, Germany, March 31,
2009. ACM 2009.
Jorge Fox, Cormac Driver, Hans P. Reiser, Rüdiger Kapitza, and René Meier eds. Proceedings of the 3rd International DiscCoTec Workshop on Middleware-Application
Interaction, MAI ’09, Lisbon, Portugal, June 12, 2009. ACM 2009.
Jörg Domaschka, Holger Schmidt, Franz J. Hauck, Rüdiger Kapitza, and Hans P. Reiser. DOSGi: An Architecture for Instant Replication. In: Proceedings of the 39th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2009), Suppl. Vol. 2009.
Hans P. Reiser, Tobias Distler, and Rüdiger Kapitza. Functional decomposition and interactions in hybrid intrusion-tolerant systems. In: Fox, J., Driver, C., and Meier, R. (eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Middleware-Application Interaction (MAI ’09) 2009.
Alysson Bessani, Hans P. Reiser, Paulo Sousa, Ilir Gashi, Vladimir Stankovic, Tobias Distler, Rüdiger Kapitza, Alessandro Daidone, and Rafael Obelheiro. FOREVER: Fault/intrusiOn REmoVal through Evolution & Recovery. In: Companion ’08: Proceedings of the ACM/IFIP/USENIX Middleware ’08 Conference Companion 2008.
Tobias Distler, Rüdiger Kapitza, and Hans P. Reiser. Efficient State Transfer for Hypervisor-Based Proactive Recovery. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Recent Advances on Intrusion-Tolerant Systems (in conjunction with Eurosys 2008, Glasgow, Scotland, April 1, 2008) 2008.
Jörg Domaschka, Franz J. Hauck, Thomas Bestfleisch, Hans P. Reiser, and Rüdiger Kapitza. Multithreading Strategies for Replicated Objects. In: Proc. of the ACM/IFIP/USENIX 9th International Middleware Conference 2008.
Hans P. Reiser ed. Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Middleware-application interaction
- affiliated with the DisCoTec federated conferences 2008, MAI ’08,
Oslo, Norway, June 3, 2008. ACM 2008.
Rüdiger Kapitza, Peter Baumann, and Hans P. Reiser. Using Object Replication for Building a Dependable Version Control System. In: Proc. of the 8th IFIP WG International Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems (DAIS), pp. 86–99 2008.
Hans P. Reiser and Rüdiger Kapitza. Fault and Intrusion Tolerance on the Basis of Virtual Machines. In: Tagungsband des 1. Fachgesprächs Virtualisierung (Paderborn, Germany) 2008.
Holger Schmidt, Rüdiger Kapitza, Franz J. Hauck, and Hans P. Reiser. Adaptive Web Service Migration. In: Proceedings of the 8th IFIP WG International Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems - DAIS, pp. 182–195 2008.
Jörg Domaschka, Hans P. Reiser, and Franz J. Hauck. Towards Generic and Middleware-independent Support for Replicated, Distributed Objects. In: Proc. of the 1st Workshop on Middleware-Application Interaction, pp. 43–48, ACM Digital Library, 2007.
Hans P. Reiser and Rüdiger Kapitza eds. Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Middleware-Application Interaction,
MAI 2007, in conjunction with Euro-Sys 2007, Lisbon, Portugal, March
20, 2007. ACM 2007.
Jörg Domaschka, Andreas I. Schmied, Hans P. Reiser, and Franz J. Hauck. Revisiting Deterministic Multithreading Strategies. In: Proc. of the 9th International Workshop on Java and Components for Parallelism, Distribution and Concurrency (in conjunction with IPDPS) 2007.
Rüdiger Kapitza, Thomas Zeman, Franz J. Hauck, and Hans P. Reiser. Parallel State Transfer in Object Replication Systems. In: Proc. of the 7th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems (DAIS) 2007.
Hans P. Reiser and António Casimiro. Optimizing Byzantine Consensus for Fault-Tolerant Embedded Systems with Ad-Hoc and Infrastructure Networks. In: Proc. of the 4th Int. Workshop on Dependable Embedded Systems - WDES’07 2007.
Hans P. Reiser and Rüdiger Kapitza. Hypervisor-Based Efficient Proactive Recovery. In: Proc. of the 26th IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS) 2007.
Hans P. Reiser and Rüdiger Kapitza. VM-FIT: Supporting Intrusion Tolerance with Virtualisation Technology. In: Proc. of the 1st Workshop on Recent Advances on Intrusion-Tolerant Systems (in conjunction with Eurosys 2007, Lisbon, Portugal, March 23, 2007), pp. 18–22 2007.
Jörg Domaschka, Franz J. Hauck, Hans P. Reiser, and Rüdiger Kapitza. Deterministic Multithreading for Java-based Replicated Objects. In: Proc. of the 18th IASTED Int. Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS’06), pp. 516–521 2006.
Rüdiger Kapitza, Jörg Domaschka, Franz J. Hauck, Hans P. Reiser, and Holger Schmidt. FORMI: Integrating Adaptive Fragmented Objects into Java RMI. In: IEEE Distributed Systems Online, vol. 7, no. 10 2006.
Rüdiger Kapitza, Meik Felser, Hans P. Reiser, and Franz J. Hauck. Decentralised Diffusion-based Quota Management. In: Proc. of the 4th Int. Workshop on Middleware for Grid Computing (MGC’06, in conjunction with ACM/IFIP/USENIX 7th Int. Middleware Conf., 2006) 2006.
Hans P. Reiser, Franz J. Hauck, Jörg Domaschka, Rüdiger Kapitza, and Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat. Consistent Replication of Multithreaded Distributed Objects. In: Proc. of the 25st IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS’06), pp. 257–266 2006.
Hans P. Reiser, Franz J. Hauck, Rüdiger Kapitza, and Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat. Hypervisor-Based Redundant Execution on a Single Physical Host. In: Proc. of the 6th European Dependable Computing Conf., Supplemental Volume - EDCC’06, pp. 67–68 2006.
Hans P. Reiser, Rüdiger Kapitza, Jörg Domaschka, and Franz J. Hauck. Fault-Tolerant Replication Based on Fragmented Objects. In: Proc. of the 6th IFIP WG 6.1 Int. Conf. on Distributed Applications and Interoperabel Systems – DAIS, pp. 256–271 2006.
Hans P. Reiser, Rüdiger Kapitza, Jörg Domaschka, and Franz J. Hauck. Flexible und adaptive Replikation in verteilter objektbasierter Middleware. Distributed Systems Lab, University of Ulm 2006.
Franz J. Hauck, Rüdiger Kapitza, Hans P. Reiser, and Andreas I. Schmied. A Flexible and Extensible Object Middleware: CORBA and Beyond. In: Proc. of the 5th Int. Workshop on Software Engineering and Middleware, ACM Digital Library, 2005.
Rüdiger Kapitza, Michael Kirstein, Holger Schmidt, and Franz J. Hauck. FORMI: An RMI Extension for Adaptive Applications. In: Proc. of the 4th Workshop on Adaptive and Reflective Middleware 2005.
Rüdiger Kapitza, Hans P. Reiser, and Franz J. Hauck. Stable, time-bound references in context of dynamically changing environments. In: MDC’05: Proc. of the 25th IEEE Int. Conf. on Distributed Computing Systems - Workshops (ICDCS 2005 Workshops), pp. 603–609 2005.
Hans P. Reiser, Udo Bartlang, and Franz J. Hauck. A reconfigurable system architecture for consensus-based group communication. In: Proc. of the 17th IASTED Int. Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS), pp. 680–686 2005.
Hans P. Reiser, Michael J. Danel, and Franz J. Hauck. A Flexible Replication Framework For Scalable And Reliable .NET Services. In: Proc. of the IADIS Int. Conf. Applied Comuting 2005, Vol I, Algarve, P, pp. 161–169 2005.
Pedro J. Clemente, Miguel A. Pérez, Sergio Luján-Mora, and Hans P. Reiser. 13th Workshop for PhD Students in Object Oriented Programming. In: ECOOP 2003 Workshop Reader (ECOOP, Darmstadt, Germany, July 21-25, 2003), pp. 50–61, LNCS 3013, Springer, 2004.
Rüdiger Kapitza, Franz J. Hauck, and Hans P. Reiser. Decentralized, Adaptive Services: The AspectIX Approach for a Flexible and Secure Grid Environment. In: Proc. of the GSEM 2004 Conf., Erfurt, Germany, pp. 107–118, LNCS 3270, Springer, 2004.
Rüdiger Kapitza, Franz J. Hauck, and Hans Reiser. An environment for decentralized, adaptive services: a blueprint. Informatik 4, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg 2004.